Discipline Guidelines

Discipline Guidelines


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CAUTIONS - Yellow Cards Yellow Card  
1. Two cautions in same game Minimum ONE game suspension + $50.00 Fine
2. Three cautions in one season Minimum ONE game suspension + No Fine 
3. Five cautions in one season Minimum ONE game suspension + $50.00 
4. Six cautions in one season Minimum TWO game suspension + $100.00 Fine 
5. Seven or more cautions in one season Minimum THREE game suspension + $150.00 Fine 
EJECTIONS - Red Cards Red Card
A. Against other players 
1. Misconduct after a caution Minimum ONE game suspension + $50.00 
2. Foul or abusive language Minimum ONE game suspension + $50.00 Fine
3. Serious foul play Minimum TWO game suspension + $100.00 Fine
4. Violent conduct Minimum THREE game suspension + $125.00 Fine 
5. Fighting Minimum SIX game suspension + $350.00 

B. Against game officials 
1. Foul or abusive language Minimum TWO game suspension + $100.00 Fine 
2. Physical contact etc. Suspended subject to the rules of operation, article 5. + Fines TBD
 Hitting SECOND RED CARDS: For same offenses can double suspensions at a minimum; actual penalties will be set by the Discipline Committee.

Any THIRD RED CARD in the season will mean an immediate suspension for the balance of the current season and further penalties may be assessed by either the League Discipline Committee and/or BCSA.

In all cases, the party complained against shall have the right to appear and offer a full answer or defense to charges against them when the case is heard.