Rules of Operation

Rules of Operation


1.  Schedule

    a) The League Executive or appointee shall be the scheduling committee and shall draw up the schedule for all games. All scheduled games are subject to the PCSL Scheduling Policy.
    Games will be credited as follows:
   b) The League Executive shall arrange for the appointment of all officials for games and those appointments shall be final.
    c) The League Schedule shall be played in a manner decided by the League Executive (FIFA Rules) and if necessary, a play-off game or games will be played if teams are tied in points at the completion of the regular schedule, or alternately, if necessary, between the winners of each part of the schedule should it be played in two parts.
   d) Any club defaulting a game shall be charged with all expenses incurred in preparation for said game and in addition, will be fined $1,500.00. This decision is left to the discretion of the League Executive.
    e) In the event of any Club resigning from the League before the conclusion of the regular schedule, that Club’s record shall be expunged in its entirety, and all points awarded to any other Club in respect of games played, shall be forfeited for uncompleted rounds only. If the schedule is played in two parts, and the resigning Club has completed the first part of the schedule, then the games played and the points so involved in the first part only, shall stand.
  The League Executive will review all Club’s performance in regards to how they have supported the League in the previous year, and if they have abided by the rules of the League, completing all obligations, i.e.: fielding competitive teams for all games, maintaining discipline over players, team officials and supporters, and including financial commitments. Based on this, the Executive will make its recommendations for entry into the League for the next playing season.
    f) It is the League Executive’s responsibility to continually try to upgrade the Pacific Coast Soccer League, by inviting good quality organizations and teams to compete in the PCSL. Also to organize exhibition games and to make sure its members strive for excellence on and off the playing field.
   g) All teams will notify the Secretary of the PCSL re exhibition games, to assure clearance from the BCSA, CSA, and the PCSL Executive Board.
   h) All scheduled games will be played in enclosed premises or in open parks, as agreed on, subject to the approval of the League Directors.

2.  League Prize Money Credits

Divisional Prize Money Credit shall be established by the Board of Directors annually. Prize Money Credits must be applied to League registration fees for the following season. No Prize Money Credit can be carried over.

3.  Play-offs

    a) The play-offs for the Provincial Cup qualifications and other cup competitions shall be determined annually by the League Executive.

4.  Abandoned Games

Should any game in the regular League Schedule or play-off competition be abandoned, it shall be at the discretion of the League Executive, if it is to be replayed in its entirety or at all.

5. Protests

a) Each protest must be in writing and must contain the particulars of the grounds on which if is founded. Three (3) copies must be lodged with the Secretary of the League, accompanied by a fee of five-hundred dollars ($500.00) within forty-eight (48) hours of the conclusion of the game to which it relates, (Sundays and Holidays excluded). The mailing date (postmark) will be taken as the limiting date in all cases. No protest made to the League shall be withdrawn except by leave of the League Executive. The protest fee shall be forfeited in the event the protest is not sustained, and shall be returned if the protest is upheld.

b) In dealing with any protest, the League Executive may take into consideration the possession by the protesting Club of any knowledge which, if properly used, might have obviated the protest.

6.  Ineligible Players

   a) Any Club proven to the satisfaction of the League Executive to have played an ineligible player shall automatically forfeit the game concerned, the opposing Club shall be awarded the three points and a fine of $500.00 shall be imposed. In the event a losing Club is proven to have played an ineligible player, the League Executive shall determine the penalty for such infringement, and a fine of $500.00 will be imposed.
    b) Clubs that have qualified to play in the Challenge Cup League playoffs in both the Premier and the Reserve divisions are to play the players that were signed to their teams throughout the regular season. This is to eliminate the movement of players by clubs from their Premier teams to their Reserve teams. Reserve team players are permitted to move up to their respective Premier team for playoffs. This pertains to Challenge Cup play only.

7.  Clubs

   a) Each Club will be allowed to sign a maximum of thirty (30) players to any one team.
   b) All entries in the League must have coaches who have been certified through the C.S.A./B.C. Soccer Association Development Program, or another acceptable National, Provincial or State Soccer Association.
   c) Each Club shall be registered under the B.C. Society’s Act.
   d) Each Club/Team must be affiliated with the British Columbia Soccer Association, prior to the commencement of any season of play.
    e) No two players on the same team in any given game shall use the same jersey number. Any player using the same number shall be considered an ineligible player and the team shall forfeit the game.
    f) When a maximum of thirty (30) players have been signed, no additional players may be signed until an existing player has been given his unconditional release in letter form. There must be a MINIMUM of sixteen (16) players signed.
   g) A player once released may not be resigned by the releasing Club for a period of at least ninety (90) days from the date of his unconditional release.
   h) Any Club or member thereof guilty of inducing or attempting to induce a bona fide player of another Club in the League to leave his Club and join them, without first giving seven (7) days notice by registered mail, to the Club with which the player is registered, shall be deemed guilty of misconduct, and shall be liable to expulsion or such other punishment, as the League Executive may consider proper in the circumstances.
   i) When Club Colours conflict: the Home Team must change. If no change of uniform is available, a fine of $200.00 will be imposed.
   j) Each Club shall be responsible for seeing that every player is properly dressed and equipped, and will be expected to do everything possible to make the game attractive from a spectator’s point of view.
   k) Team lists and any Youth permits (if applicable) containing the names and correct numbers of players taking part in a game, shall be properly filled out, in triplicate, on the form provided by the League. The team list must be signed by the Club Official. The lists are then distributed in the following manner:
       1. The original copy of the team list shall be handed to the referee, with one other copy, together with identification cards prior to the commencement of the match.
       2. A copy of each team list shall be signed by the referee official and the opposition copy given to the Clubs at halftime or earlier.
        3. A copy is to be handed to the P.A. Announcer ten (10) minutes prior to kick-off.
   l)  Referees and Assistant Referees will be paid by the Home Team before the game is played.
    Any player selected to play in a representative match or any other match, arranged by the League, and without good and sufficient cause, refuses to comply with the arrangements of this League, to play the match or fails to play in a said match, be adjudged to have been guilty of misconduct. Any Club Official proven to have encouraged or instructed a player to commit a breach of instruction or rule, shall deemed guilty of committing an offense.
   m)  Each team may include on the team list up to thirty (30) players. Only twenty (20)  players may dress for any one game.

8.  Game Officials

Referees must report all Game Results and Goal Scorers to the appropriate Division Co-Ordinators on the day of the game.  See Referee Guidelines.

8.1 Game Rules 

a) Laws of the Game 
All games are to be played in accordance with Federation International de Football (IFAB) Laws of the Game. 

b)  Substitutions 
Teams in all divisions of the PCSL are permitted five (5) player substitutions during games plus unlimited substitutions at half-time. If a player who has been substituted for earlier in the game returns to the game, then he/she is counted as a change unless that player returns at half time. Each team may include on the team list up to (30) players, however only 20 players eligible to play in the game.

Playoffs: Both Semi-Finals - straight to Penalty Kicks to determine a winner if tied at end of Regulation time.
Final: If tied at end of Regulation time - Extra-time of two equal halves of 15 minutes. Penalty Kicks if required to determine winner.
Unlimited substitutions at the Extra-time half-time.

c) Technical Area
A max of six (6) technical staff and twenty (20) players are permitted in the Technical area.

d) Duration of Play 
A match lasts for two equal halves of 45 minutes, which may only be reduced if agreed between the referee and the two teams before the start of the match and if in accordance with competition rules.

9.  Players

   a) All players in the Pacific Coast Soccer League shall be registered on Canadian Soccer Forms, to be obtained from the British Columbia Soccer Association Registrar, Washington State Soccer Association, or Oregon State Soccer Association.
    b) Player registration forms must be filed with and registered by the Pacific Coast Soccer League Registrar, who in turn will forward same to the B.C.S.A. Registrar.
    c) Players shall be eligible to take part in any League game, the day of the date of registration with the League. However, for Cup Competition, a period of seven (7) days must elapse following registration with the League, before the player is eligible to play.
   d) Clubs must declare not more than thirty (30) players for League play and have a minimum of 16 signed players.
   e) Completed transfer forms and the required transfer fees must be filed with and recorded by the League Registrar, who in turn, will forward same to the B.C.S.A. Registrar, not later than four (4) days after receipt of same.
   f) Transferred players shall be eligible to take part in any League game the day of the date of registration with the League. For Cup Competitions, a period of seven (7) days must elapse from the transfer date, before the player is eligible to play.
   g) No lump sum, bonus or inducement to transfer, shall be offered to any player.
   h) An active player shall not be eligible for appointment to the Board of Directors of the Pacific Coast Soccer League.
    i) Reserve Division Teams (Men and Women)
    Each Reserve team may dress up to three (3) players from their parent club Premier team for any one game. Teams must note Premier players on their game day team list.
   j) Youth Permits Youth to Adult Permit
   Provided the youth player has the consent of the affiliated youth club and the approval of the Youth   District and PCSL has received the completed Permit and Parental Liability Form prior to the match. A copy of the authorized permit must be presented with the team list at the match.
   k)  All players must be registered with their Provincial or State Associations.
    No roster changes may be made less than fourteen (14) days prior to the Challenge Cup tournament.

10. Initial League Entry and Team Entry Fees

   a) Each new applicant club must pay a one-time non-refundable League Entry Fee  to join the PCSL but this at the discretion of the board.
   b) At the discretion of the board, new clubs may have to pay a one-time non-refundable Team Entry Fee for each team entered in the League.
    c) At the discretion of the board, member clubs in good standing in the League who enter additional teams may be required to pay a one-time non-refundable Team Entry Fee for each additional team entered.

11. League Fees

    a)League fees for the PCSL shall be determined annually by the Board of Directors. Clubs will be notified of any fee changes prior to the PCSL AGM.
    b)Returning member clubs must pay 50% of the Annual Team Registration Fees and where applicable, 50% of new Team Entry Fees per Clause 10 c., at or before the AGM, with the balance payable by a date set by the Board of Directors at the AGM.
    c)New clubs will be required to pay in full, the PCSL League Entry Fee, Team Entry Fees and Annual Team Registration Fees at or before the AGM.
    League Fees are non-refundable.
   d) Clubs that do not enter one or more teams in consecutive seasons will be deemed to have forfeited PCSL membership.

12. Grounds

    a)Club grounds must conform to the PCSL Minimum Standards and Clubs must be fully conversant with the Home Club’s responsibilities.
    b) Teams must ensure that no alcoholic beverages are brought into the dressing rooms or onto the parks or stadiums, at any PCSL game.

13. League Ranking Discipline

During the League season the ranking of teams/clubs shall be determined as follows:

    a) greater number of points obtained in all matches
    b) goal difference in all matches
    c) greater number of goals scored in all matches
    If two or more teams are equal on the basis of the above three criteria, their place shall be determined as follows
    d) greater number of points obtained in the matches between the teams concerned
    e) goal difference resulting from the matches between the teams concerned
    f) greater number of goals scored in the matches between the teams concerned
    g) a play-off on neutral ground

14. Annual General Meeting

At least one representative from each club is expected to attend the AGM. Clubs unable to attend are required to notify the League prior to the AGM.

PCSL Rules of Operation, effective January 2016. Updated April 2024.


Only resident B.C. Teams are eligible to play in this competition

Non-resident B.C. Teams must check through, i.e. Washington & Oregon State Soccer Associations, to determine how they may qualify for this competition.

PCSL member teams in good standing may compete for PCSL League and Challenge Cups.

Challenge Cup

The top four (4) league placed men's premier teams at end of league play qualify for the Challenge Cup.

If any one of the top four qualifying teams cannot attend, the next highest placed team (5th place and so on if required) will qualify. Challenge Cup play consists of two semi-final games and one Final - (1 vs 4 / 2 vs 3). Effective: January 2025.

No extra-time in semifinals – if tied at end of regulation – straight to penalty kicks to determine winner.

Final is played between the winners of the two semi-final games. Final, if tied at end of regulation time, extra-time will be played consisting of 2 x 15 minute halves and penalty kicks if required.

NOTE: If any of the top 4 qualifying teams decline to attend the Challenge Cup. Forfeit rules will apply (Rules of Operation / Schedule 1: d)